Overview An action game in which the player controls a special agent with cybernetic hands. Talk about Shatterhand USA: You will need to login to your EP account it's free to submit tags and other game information. Shatterhand is an excellent unknown title. For more emulators, check out our extensive emulators section. The level design is akin to NES Batman, without the wall jumping. Give it a try and spread the word so that other's may enjoy it as well. shatterhand nes rom

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A stage and boss is exclusive to each version.

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For more emulators, check out our extensive emulators section. Helios Leinheart rates this game: The character and robot sprites are different.

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Give it a try and spread the word so that other's may enjoy it as well. For starters, share this page with your friends. Collect the same combination twice with your robot still functional to wreck shit like God Hand, NES edition.

The graphics are pure NES gold, almost always dark and gritty, with plenty of attention to detail. So you what you see? Added by VenomRush Report. Overview An action game in which the player controls a special agent with cybernetic hands. nws

shatterhand nes rom

The graphical flair and the sound effect really give you the sensation that you are punching your way through this enemy or obstacle. Wily no Nazo Shatterhanx. But because it is easier, it is also a lot less fun Therefore, it's recommended to play the Japanese equivalent after having completed Shatterhand.

Shatterhand [USA]

Natsume was really good at making NES action games, and Shatterhand is the prime example. Shatterhand is an excellent unknown title. Talk about Shatterhand USA: Just the act of shatterhsnd an opponent feels satisfying. Movement and jumping are almost spot on perfect, with jumping proving to be a little more slippery than Megaman or Mario.

Share with your Friends: You can also pick up Alpha and Beta icons that give you a robot helper with a weapon depending on a 3-icon combination. Rlm out how else you can support emuparadise. Wily no Nazo Japan [Hack by Tar v1. Games you may like: You will need to login to your EP account it's free to submit tags and other game information. Shatterhand is an excellent beat'm up for the NES.

shattedhand I never understood why the original Japanese version had a cyborg as the main character though, when the English version has a stereotypical buff dude. Uploaded by dusanvf Report. It's free, easy and feels damn good! Use the links above: Punching enemies, punching gates down, punching bullets, and so on.

Shatterhand (USA) ROM < NES ROMs | Emuparadise

Keeping your footing on certain platforms requires some experience with the mechanics. It is a lot easier. Great nfs and graphics. The intro is different. Anon rates this game:


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